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Are you writing your master thesis?

No English speaking Master Thesis groups in the spring 2024

Due to too few ressources in the spring 2024, we are not able to provide any English speaking Master Thesis Groups.

Do you speak Danish and want to join a group?

Switch the language on this  page to Danish. You can find the flag in the upper right corner. On the Danish page you can find much more information on the Danish groups. 

If you do not speak Danish and need help with your master thesis

You are more than welcome to to book a counselling session og watch webinar recording Master Thesis Kickstart.

Thesis Groups are for students who are writing heir thesis and who wants to talk to other students and a supervisor

You can sign up for the General Study Counseling's free Thesis Group. In the group you will meet other thesis students and you will be presented with professional inputs and tips for the thesis process.
The group is led by two experienced study counselors who are used to talking to students who write their thesis and are therefore familiar with the problems that may arise during a thesis process. You will also have the opportunity to meet a number of relevant professionals from the SDU staff who provide good input.
In the group there is also room for you to share your experiences of writing thesis with others in the same situation.

You will get knowledge about the thesis process and the thesis content

Prior to each meeting, you will have received a video that deals with a theme that is relevant to exactly where you are in your thesis process. For the meeting itself, we take this video as our starting point when we spar with each other through group discussions and two-on-two exchanges. And then there is always room for us to talk about your thesis process in the group.

A special Facebook group

Furthermore, you will have the opportunity to become part of a closed Facebook group where you and the other participants can exchange experiences and tips and tricks.

We meet six times

The six virtually meetings are spread throughout the semester, typically every 2-3 weeks. We begin in February and end in May.

We cannot give fixed dates as several special groups are held. Since we need to have an overview of all the participants, you will get information on what dates your Thesis Group will meet when the enrollment is exceeded. We will call you up and make arrangements after the 21. January.
It is important that you can make a commitment to attend the days your group meets. It is agreed upon when you are called.

You sign up by completing our survey

The deadline for signing up for the group is due.


If you have any questions for the Thesis Group please send us an e-mail at:
Sign up for a Thesis Group here!

Sign up here

Last Updated 12.06.2024